Create a mood for a successful party!

Créer une ambiance pour une fête réussie!

I'm preparing a party, a dinner, a small event at home.

I want it to be super enjoyable, to have "fun", to be memorable.

I choose the menu carefully, the drinks, the music ...

And: the decor! I love to play with the decor.

It's amazing what impact accessories can have in defining an atmosphere, making a room or our courtyard inviting, demonstrating our intention towards the people invited ...

When you take the time to prepare everything, the guests feel a little special, appreciated, expected with pleasure, don't they? Our pleasure to receive them is expressed by the atmosphere we created, the attention we paid to preparing a beautiful table for them, a cozy, inviting, pleasant place ...

Each set of Maison Mixy tablecloths and napkins is designed to create an atmosphere, to give a certain tone, a pleasant note and tinted differently from each other. Have fun personalizing them with your favorite accessories and spend the most beautiful moments in your cozy nest!

Vibrate higher, go further! This is my wish


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